Vitamin B12, your nutrient to increase the body I live

Now, more than ever, we are all looking for our personal health, making sure we get the right amount of vitamins, minerals and nutrients to keep us in the best possible condition. Today we are focusing on a specific vitamin that our bodies need for neurological health, blood cell formation and energy production. Let’s talk about vitamin B12!

A supplement needed

Also known as cobalamin, our body cannot naturally produce vitamin B12, so absorbing it through food or supplements is the only way to get it. This water-soluble nutrient is mainly found in animal products such as poultry, meat, fish and dairy products, so those who follow a plant-based diet may be at risk of deficiency and it is generally recommended to supplement.

Some people, including older adults, may have difficulty absorbing vitamin B12 from food and may be particularly at risk of deficiency. Low levels of vitamin B12 can cause anemia, fatigue, muscle weakness, intestinal problems, nerve damage and cognitive problems such as confusion and poor memory.

The best friend of the brain

Vitamin B12 is closely linked to brain health. A 2020 study found an association between vitamin B12 deficiency and cognitive impairment and reported improvement in symptoms after three months of vitamin B12 supplementation.

B12 can also help with depression. Studies have shown a benefit of vitamin B12 supplementation along with antidepressants in patients with normal B12 levels and depression. Vitamin B12 is also commonly used to increase energy levels in athletes whose blood levels of vitamin B12 are lower than normal.

Shopping supplement

Vitamin B12 supplements are a basic health food storeand can be acquired as flavored lozenges, gums and pills. Vitamin B12 is often included in multivitamin formulations and is also part of the complex vitamin B supplement products that include the B group vitamin range. Check with your natural health dealer to find out which formulation might be best for you.

And remember, be sure to eat three healthy meals a day, sleep a lot, is stay active!

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