Chinese tensions rise and “200,000 deaths per blockade”

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“The blockade could cause 200,000 extra deaths” is the main story on the front page of The Daily Telegraph. The document says government experts predict that delays in treatment in the first six months of the arrest could kill up to 25,000 people and an additional 185,000 medium to long-term deaths, equivalent to nearly one million years of life lost. The number of suicides could increase by 500 in the first wave and between 600 and 12,000 more suicides each year from the recession, according to the newspaper.

The front page of the Daily Mail on July 20

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Also focusing on the effects of the blockade, the Daily Mail says that coronavirus delays have affected a number of sectors, leading to “British arrears”. “Lives are waiting” due to delays at official agencies, from holiday passport applications to birth registration and renewal of driving licenses, reports the document. The new wedding photos of Princess Beatrice also appear featured on the front page of the Daily Mail, as well as numerous other articles.

The Guardian's front page on July 20

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Meanwhile, the Guardian says senior doctors are urging the public to help prevent a “devastating” second wave of coronavirus amid “mixed government messages” about face masks and the return to work. A second wave, coinciding with seasonal flu and the impact of a backlog of cures for other diseases, such as cancer, could overwhelm the NHS, experts warn.

The front page of the Daily Mirror on July 20

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NHS staff worked up to 11 unpaid extra hours a week before the coronavirus struck, reports the Daily Mirror, adding that there are concerns about the worsening of the situation as the pandemic continues. Sara Gorton, head of health at Unison, the UK’s largest union, said: “Nobody should work for free, especially those in the Covid frontline.”

Metro front page 20 July

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Striking a more optimistic tone, Metro reports that part-time rail commuters will be offered flexible season tickets, while companies prepare workers to return to the office from August 1. The Great Western Railway will introduce a “three day out of seven” season ticket on trains in the capital, the newspaper said, with “dynamic discounts” promised on Merseyrail and Greater Anglia services. The Department of Transportation reportedly encouraged other operators to submit similar offers.

The first page of July 20th

Caption of the image

Several articles focus on the growing tensions between the UK and China, with which reports that relations have reached a “new low”. The document cites foreign secretary Dominic Raab who accuses Beijing of committing “gross” violations of human rights against the Uyghur ethnic minority, as the Chinese ambassador denies the existence of concentration camps after footage has emerged showing the blindfolded prisoners. Rahab said: “It cannot be business as usual after the pandemic.”

The front page of the Times on July 20

Caption of the image

Still focusing on escalating tensions between London and Beijing, the Times reports that Britain will shelve its extradition treaty with Hong Kong later on. Rahab will tell the House of Commons that in response to the imposition of China’s security law on the former British colony, the United Kingdom will suspend its extradition agreement with Beijing. The United States is considering a similar move, the newspaper adds, and US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo will fly to London later, before talks with the foreign secretary and PM this week.

The front page of the Financial Times on July 20

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Meanwhile, the Financial Times reports that the accounting firm EY has warned the payment company Wirecard that a draft of an independent audit report by KPMG lacked “context” and could lead to inaccurate conclusions. And EU leaders are still involved in “summit marathon talks” on the proposed response to the € 750 billion pandemic in Europe.

The front page of the Daily Express on July 20

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In other news, house prices have gone back to a “record” is the advantage of the Daily Express. Citing real estate experts, the document states that the typical asking price for a three-bedroom semi-detached house increased by £ 7,640 from the week before the blockade in March, to £ 320,265.

The Daily Star front page on July 20

Caption of the image

And by mixing sporting metaphors, the main title of the Daily Star is: “They think it’s all over,” as the newspaper claims that the English cricket team may soon face stiff competition from Germany.

The coverage of the UK’s increasingly tense relations with China is prominent in many of the front pages.

“Chinese tensions increase when the extradition treaty is shelved” says The Times, as he looks forward to the announcement expected by Dominic Raab later.

A temporary suspension rather than a permanent end to the treaty it’s on the cards, according to Whitehall sources cited in the Daily Telegraph.

They say it leaves a “final lever to pull” if China continues to violate international commitments.

The paper He says that what he calls “smudges” exchanged on Sunday – by the foreign secretary and the Chinese ambassador in London for alleged human rights violations in China – represents “a new low” in relations.

Copyright of the image
Getty Images

Caption of the image

Foreign Minister Dominic Raab is expected to announce that the UK will suspend its extradition agreement with Hong Kong over Beijing’s tough new security law in the former British colony

“SSN heroes forced to work for free” is the title of The Daily Mirror.

He says a survey shows that staff were already doing an average of 11 extra hours of unpaid work each week before the coronavirus pandemic hit.

The document blames the “scandal” of hospital cuts and, in his boss, insists that Boris Johnson should fill vacancies and pay SSN staff what they are worth rather than applauding. The NHS, he says, must become a healthy employer.

Online, The Independent claims that the National Health Service is intended to pay £ 37 million for deficiencies in maternity services in one case at the Guys and St Thomas’s NHS Trust in London.

Copyright of the image

“No recovery until the summer of next year” is the opinion of many of the largest British companies, as reported in the Times.

It bases the headline on a survey of financial executives conducted by Deloitte.

The survey found that nearly half believe that demand for goods and services will not return to pre-block levels until next July, while only 8% expected sales to return to normal by the end of the year.

The document states that it is the latest sign that a V-shaped economic recovery is unlikely.

“Backlog Britain” is the title on the front page of The Daily Mail as it reports that delays created by the block in the treatment of passports, birth registration and license renewal are “paralyzing” the country.

The document states that the births of over 150,000 children may not be officially registered, while thousands of older motorists have been left at home by chaos at the driver and vehicle licensing agency.

And Metro’s main story is that, in an attempt to induce home workers to return to the office, they will offer some rail operators “flexible subscriptions” from next month.

For example, they could allow commuters to buy a three-day ticket out of seven to encourage a part-time return to work.

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Local blockade in Blackburn “one last resort”

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Most of the new cases of Blackburn are found in the South Asian community

A local blockade in Blackburn with Darwen is “the last resort” to cope with the increase in the area in coronavirus cases, said his head of public health.

The Lancashire district is overtaking Leicester as a coronavirus hotspot in England, according to official data.

It recorded the highest infection rate, with 79.2 cases per 100,000 people, in the week until July 17, said Public Health England.

The professor. Dominic Harrison said he would be “reluctant” to impose a local blockade.

The number of cases in the district nearly doubled to 118 in the past week, up from 63 in the previous week.

The latest figures are subject to daily review, but reflect the position on Sunday evening.

New measures to curb the spread of Covid-19 in Blackburn with Darwen they have already been introduced after a peak.

They include stricter limits for visitors from another family and officials have urged people to hit their elbows instead of handshakes and hugs.

New cases in Leicester, where there is a local block, dropped to a rate of 77.7, with 276 new infections, compared to 429 the previous week.


By Daniel Wainwright, BBC England Data Unit

Data on new coronavirus cases are published every afternoon, which means that new results for the previous days are added at all times.

So far, looking at the week until Friday, Blackburn with Darwen has recorded double the number of cases he has had in the previous week, while the cases in Leicester – which is in a localized block – seem to be falling.

On Wednesday, both areas reported 35 new cases. However, with Leicester having a population more than double Blackburn with Darwen, this has given the Lancashire district a higher rate of new cases per 100,000 residents.

If Blackburn with Darwen takes the top position from Leicester it should become clearer over the next two days.

Most of the new cases in the Blackburn area were among the South Asian community centered on terraced houses with a high number of occupants, public health officials said.

Professor Harrison, director of public health in Blackburn with Council Darwen, has warned that cases will continue to rise.

He said, “We should be concerned that the numbers have gone up, but I expected it entirely and I expect it to go up again this week.”

The professor. Harrison warned that a local blockade could be imposed if things were not changed, but added: “We would only use those powers as a last resort.

“We had good cooperation, so I would be very reluctant to use the powers.”

Over the weekend it was revealed that the contact tracers had only reached about half of Covid-19’s contacts in Zone.

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Sam Ali urged locals “to realize that the pandemic is still here”

Sam Ali, of the Switch Community Community Organization in town, said: “We have all been impressed.

“Anyone across the country wouldn’t want to be on the radar to get into another block, but it’s important to realize that the pandemic is still here.

“We have to wear the appropriate masks, we have to wash our hands, we have to stay away.

“Blackburn is a fantastic city. From this we will become stronger.”

Steve Hartley, 52, who lives in Darwen, said: “You see more people in the masks, but many people are not socially spaced or worn.

“It’s shocking, but some people still aren’t taking it seriously despite everything that’s going on.

“Now many stores have window signs that tell people they can’t go in without a mask.”

Why not follow BBC North West on Facebook, chirping is Instagram? You can also send story ideas to

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Chinese tensions rise and “200,000 deaths per blockade”

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“The blockade could cause 200,000 extra deaths” is the main story on the front page of The Daily Telegraph. The document says government experts predict that delays in treatment in the first six months of the arrest could kill up to 25,000 people and an additional 185,000 medium to long-term deaths, equivalent to nearly one million years of life lost. The number of suicides could increase by 500 in the first wave and between 600 and 12,000 more suicides each year from the recession, according to the newspaper.

The front page of the Daily Mail on July 20

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Also focusing on the effects of the blockade, the Daily Mail says that coronavirus delays have affected a number of sectors, leading to “British arrears”. “Lives are waiting” due to delays at official agencies, from holiday passport applications to birth registration and renewal of driving licenses, reports the document. The new wedding photos of Princess Beatrice also appear featured on the front page of the Daily Mail, as well as numerous other articles.

The Guardian's front page on July 20

Caption of the image

Meanwhile, the Guardian says senior doctors are urging the public to help prevent a “devastating” second wave of coronavirus amid “mixed government messages” about face masks and the return to work. A second wave, coinciding with seasonal flu and the impact of a backlog of cures for other diseases, such as cancer, could overwhelm the NHS, experts warn.

The front page of the Daily Mirror on July 20

Caption of the image

NHS staff worked up to 11 unpaid extra hours a week before the coronavirus struck, reports the Daily Mirror, adding that there are concerns about the worsening of the situation as the pandemic continues. Sara Gorton, head of health at Unison, the UK’s largest union, said: “Nobody should work for free, especially those in the Covid frontline.”

Metro front page 20 July

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Striking a more optimistic tone, Metro reports that part-time rail commuters will be offered flexible season tickets, while companies prepare workers to return to the office from August 1. The Great Western Railway will introduce a “three day out of seven” season ticket on trains in the capital, the newspaper said, with “dynamic discounts” promised on Merseyrail and Greater Anglia services. The Department of Transportation reportedly encouraged other operators to submit similar offers.

The first page of July 20th

Caption of the image

Several articles focus on the growing tensions between the UK and China, with which reports that relations have reached a “new low”. The document cites foreign secretary Dominic Raab who accuses Beijing of committing “gross” violations of human rights against the Uyghur ethnic minority, as the Chinese ambassador denies the existence of concentration camps after footage has emerged showing the blindfolded prisoners. Rahab said: “It cannot be business as usual after the pandemic.”

The front page of the Times on July 20

Caption of the image

Still focusing on escalating tensions between London and Beijing, the Times reports that Britain will shelve its extradition treaty with Hong Kong later on. Rahab will tell the House of Commons that in response to the imposition of China’s security law on the former British colony, the United Kingdom will suspend its extradition agreement with Beijing. The United States is considering a similar move, the newspaper adds, and US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo will fly to London later, before talks with the foreign secretary and PM this week.

The front page of the Financial Times on July 20

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Meanwhile, the Financial Times reports that the accounting firm EY has warned the payment company Wirecard that a draft of an independent audit report by KPMG lacked “context” and could lead to inaccurate conclusions. And EU leaders are still involved in “summit marathon talks” on the proposed response to the € 750 billion pandemic in Europe.

The front page of the Daily Express on July 20

Caption of the image

In other news, house prices have gone back to a “record” is the advantage of the Daily Express. Citing real estate experts, the document states that the typical asking price for a three-bedroom semi-detached house increased by £ 7,640 from the week before the blockade in March, to £ 320,265.

The Daily Star front page on July 20

Caption of the image

And by mixing sporting metaphors, the main title of the Daily Star is: “They think it’s all over,” as the newspaper claims that the English cricket team may soon face stiff competition from Germany.

The coverage of the UK’s increasingly tense relations with China is prominent in many of the front pages.

“Chinese tensions increase when the extradition treaty is shelved” says The Times, as he looks forward to the announcement expected by Dominic Raab later.

A temporary suspension rather than a permanent end to the treaty it’s on the cards, according to Whitehall sources cited in the Daily Telegraph.

They say it leaves a “final lever to pull” if China continues to violate international commitments.

The paper He says that what he calls “smudges” exchanged on Sunday – by the foreign secretary and the Chinese ambassador in London for alleged human rights violations in China – represents “a new low” in relations.

Copyright of the image
Getty Images

Caption of the image

Foreign Minister Dominic Raab is expected to announce that the UK will suspend its extradition agreement with Hong Kong over Beijing’s tough new security law in the former British colony

“SSN heroes forced to work for free” is the title of The Daily Mirror.

He says a survey shows that staff were already doing an average of 11 extra hours of unpaid work each week before the coronavirus pandemic hit.

The document blames the “scandal” of hospital cuts and, in his boss, insists that Boris Johnson should fill vacancies and pay SSN staff what they are worth rather than applauding. The NHS, he says, must become a healthy employer.

Online, The Independent claims that the National Health Service is intended to pay £ 37 million for deficiencies in maternity services in one case at the Guys and St Thomas’s NHS Trust in London.

Copyright of the image

“No recovery until the summer of next year” is the opinion of many of the largest British companies, as reported in the Times.

It bases the headline on a survey of financial executives conducted by Deloitte.

The survey found that nearly half believe that demand for goods and services will not return to pre-block levels until next July, while only 8% expected sales to return to normal by the end of the year.

The document states that it is the latest sign that a V-shaped economic recovery is unlikely.

“Backlog Britain” is the title on the front page of The Daily Mail as it reports that delays created by the block in the treatment of passports, birth registration and license renewal are “paralyzing” the country.

The document states that the births of over 150,000 children may not be officially registered, while thousands of older motorists have been left at home by chaos at the driver and vehicle licensing agency.

And Metro’s main story is that, in an attempt to induce home workers to return to the office, they will offer some rail operators “flexible subscriptions” from next month.

For example, they could allow commuters to buy a three-day ticket out of seven to encourage a part-time return to work.

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Oman hotel revenues halved as a result of the coronavirus blockade

DUBAI: Kuwait Petroleum Corporation (KPC) wants to preserve public funds to counter the economic consequences of the coronavirus pandemic, said the CEO of the state-owned company, after it began implementing austerity measures and cutting costs.

In the statement Hashem Hashem said that the company paid close attention to the observations of all supervisory bodies, both external and internal, according to reports from the state news agency KUNA.

Hashem said the company’s commitment “to adhere to the principle of full cooperation with parliament to complete its oversight role in order to achieve the common goal of serving the interest of Kuwait.

In March, the Kuwaiti government announced a reduction in its energy sector’s operational spending due to the collapse of oil prices due to the outbreak of the coronavirus.

Hashem in a previous note said that KPC and its subsidiaries “would rationalize expenses and review their priorities for the 2020/2021 financial year, while ensuring the safety and continuity of the company’s operations”.

KPC’s cost-cutting measures include the termination of non-Kuwaiti services with permanent and private contracts, as well as subcontractors.

The Kuwait National Petroleum Company, a subsidiary of KPC, has also abandoned plans for the construction of the 1.5 gigawatt Al-Dabdaba solar complex which would have been operational by 2021.

It was also reported that the Ahmadi city building project was canceled after being considered “a non-strategic project”.

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Oman hotel revenues halved as a result of the coronavirus blockade

DUBAI: Kuwait Petroleum Corporation (KPC) wants to preserve public funds to counter the economic consequences of the coronavirus pandemic, said the CEO of the state-owned company, after it began implementing austerity measures and cutting costs.

In the statement Hashem Hashem said that the company paid close attention to the observations of all supervisory bodies, both external and internal, according to reports from the state news agency KUNA.

Hashem said the company’s commitment “to adhere to the principle of full cooperation with parliament to complete its oversight role in order to achieve the common goal of serving the interest of Kuwait.

In March, the Kuwaiti government announced a reduction in its energy sector’s operational spending due to the collapse of oil prices due to the outbreak of the coronavirus.

Hashem in a previous note said that KPC and its subsidiaries “would rationalize expenses and review their priorities for the 2020/2021 financial year, while ensuring the safety and continuity of the company’s operations”.

KPC’s cost-cutting measures include the termination of non-Kuwaiti services with permanent and private contracts, as well as subcontractors.

The Kuwait National Petroleum Company, a subsidiary of KPC, has also abandoned plans for the construction of the 1.5 gigawatt Al-Dabdaba solar complex which would have been operational by 2021.

It was also reported that the Ahmadi city building project was canceled after being considered “a non-strategic project”.

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Chinese tensions rise and “200,000 deaths per blockade”

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“The blockade could cause 200,000 extra deaths” is the main story on the front page of The Daily Telegraph. The document says government experts predict that delays in treatment in the first six months of the arrest could kill up to 25,000 people and an additional 185,000 medium to long-term deaths, equivalent to nearly one million years of life lost. The number of suicides could increase by 500 in the first wave and between 600 and 12,000 more suicides each year from the recession, according to the newspaper.

The front page of the Daily Mail on July 20

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Also focusing on the effects of the blockade, the Daily Mail says that coronavirus delays have affected a number of sectors, leading to “British arrears”. “Lives are waiting” due to delays at official agencies, from holiday passport applications to birth registration and renewal of driving licenses, reports the document. The new wedding photos of Princess Beatrice also appear featured on the front page of the Daily Mail, as well as numerous other articles.

The Guardian's front page on July 20

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Meanwhile, the Guardian says senior doctors are urging the public to help prevent a “devastating” second wave of coronavirus amid “mixed government messages” about face masks and the return to work. A second wave, coinciding with seasonal flu and the impact of a backlog of cures for other diseases, such as cancer, could overwhelm the NHS, experts warn.

The front page of the Daily Mirror on July 20

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NHS staff worked up to 11 unpaid extra hours a week before the coronavirus struck, reports the Daily Mirror, adding that there are concerns about the worsening of the situation as the pandemic continues. Sara Gorton, head of health at Unison, the UK’s largest union, said: “Nobody should work for free, especially those in the Covid frontline.”

Metro front page 20 July

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Striking a more optimistic tone, Metro reports that part-time rail commuters will be offered flexible season tickets, while companies prepare workers to return to the office from August 1. The Great Western Railway will introduce a “three day out of seven” season ticket on trains in the capital, the newspaper said, with “dynamic discounts” promised on Merseyrail and Greater Anglia services. The Department of Transportation reportedly encouraged other operators to submit similar offers.

The first page of July 20th

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Several articles focus on the growing tensions between the UK and China, with which reports that relations have reached a “new low”. The document cites foreign secretary Dominic Raab who accuses Beijing of committing “gross” violations of human rights against the Uyghur ethnic minority, as the Chinese ambassador denies the existence of concentration camps after footage has emerged showing the blindfolded prisoners. Rahab said: “It cannot be business as usual after the pandemic.”

The front page of the Times on July 20

Caption of the image

Still focusing on escalating tensions between London and Beijing, the Times reports that Britain will shelve its extradition treaty with Hong Kong later on. Rahab will tell the House of Commons that in response to the imposition of China’s security law on the former British colony, the United Kingdom will suspend its extradition agreement with Beijing. The United States is considering a similar move, the newspaper adds, and US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo will fly to London later, before talks with the foreign secretary and PM this week.

The front page of the Financial Times on July 20

Caption of the image

Meanwhile, the Financial Times reports that the accounting firm EY has warned the payment company Wirecard that a draft of an independent audit report by KPMG lacked “context” and could lead to inaccurate conclusions. And EU leaders are still involved in “summit marathon talks” on the proposed response to the € 750 billion pandemic in Europe.

The front page of the Daily Express on July 20

Caption of the image

In other news, house prices have gone back to a “record” is the advantage of the Daily Express. Citing real estate experts, the document states that the typical asking price for a three-bedroom semi-detached house increased by £ 7,640 from the week before the blockade in March, to £ 320,265.

The Daily Star front page on July 20

Caption of the image

And by mixing sporting metaphors, the main title of the Daily Star is: “They think it’s all over,” as the newspaper claims that the English cricket team may soon face stiff competition from Germany.

The coverage of the UK’s increasingly tense relations with China is prominent in many of the front pages.

“Chinese tensions increase when the extradition treaty is shelved” says The Times, as he looks forward to the announcement expected by Dominic Raab later.

A temporary suspension rather than a permanent end to the treaty it’s on the cards, according to Whitehall sources cited in the Daily Telegraph.

They say it leaves a “final lever to pull” if China continues to violate international commitments.

The paper He says that what he calls “smudges” exchanged on Sunday – by the foreign secretary and the Chinese ambassador in London for alleged human rights violations in China – represents “a new low” in relations.

Copyright of the image
Getty Images

Caption of the image

Foreign Minister Dominic Raab is expected to announce that the UK will suspend its extradition agreement with Hong Kong over Beijing’s tough new security law in the former British colony

“SSN heroes forced to work for free” is the title of The Daily Mirror.

He says a survey shows that staff were already doing an average of 11 extra hours of unpaid work each week before the coronavirus pandemic hit.

The document blames the “scandal” of hospital cuts and, in his boss, insists that Boris Johnson should fill vacancies and pay SSN staff what they are worth rather than applauding. The NHS, he says, must become a healthy employer.

Online, The Independent claims that the National Health Service is intended to pay £ 37 million for deficiencies in maternity services in one case at the Guys and St Thomas’s NHS Trust in London.

Copyright of the image

“No recovery until the summer of next year” is the opinion of many of the largest British companies, as reported in the Times.

It bases the headline on a survey of financial executives conducted by Deloitte.

The survey found that nearly half believe that demand for goods and services will not return to pre-block levels until next July, while only 8% expected sales to return to normal by the end of the year.

The document states that it is the latest sign that a V-shaped economic recovery is unlikely.

“Backlog Britain” is the title on the front page of The Daily Mail as it reports that delays created by the block in the treatment of passports, birth registration and license renewal are “paralyzing” the country.

The document states that the births of over 150,000 children may not be officially registered, while thousands of older motorists have been left at home by chaos at the driver and vehicle licensing agency.

And Metro’s main story is that, in an attempt to induce home workers to return to the office, they will offer some rail operators “flexible subscriptions” from next month.

For example, they could allow commuters to buy a three-day ticket out of seven to encourage a part-time return to work.

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Local blockade in Blackburn “one last resort”

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Most of the new cases of Blackburn are found in the South Asian community

A local blockade in Blackburn with Darwen is “the last resort” to cope with the increase in the area in coronavirus cases, said his head of public health.

The Lancashire district is overtaking Leicester as a coronavirus hotspot in England, according to official data.

It recorded the highest infection rate, with 79.2 cases per 100,000 people, in the week until July 17, said Public Health England.

The professor. Dominic Harrison said he would be “reluctant” to impose a local blockade.

The number of cases in the district nearly doubled to 118 in the past week, up from 63 in the previous week.

The latest figures are subject to daily review, but reflect the position on Sunday evening.

New measures to curb the spread of Covid-19 in Blackburn with Darwen they have already been introduced after a peak.

They include stricter limits for visitors from another family and officials have urged people to hit their elbows instead of handshakes and hugs.

New cases in Leicester, where there is a local block, dropped to a rate of 77.7, with 276 new infections, compared to 429 the previous week.


By Daniel Wainwright, BBC England Data Unit

Data on new coronavirus cases are published every afternoon, which means that new results for the previous days are added at all times.

So far, looking at the week until Friday, Blackburn with Darwen has recorded double the number of cases he has had in the previous week, while the cases in Leicester – which is in a localized block – seem to be falling.

On Wednesday, both areas reported 35 new cases. However, with Leicester having a population more than double Blackburn with Darwen, this has given the Lancashire district a higher rate of new cases per 100,000 residents.

If Blackburn with Darwen takes the top position from Leicester it should become clearer over the next two days.

Most of the new cases in the Blackburn area were among the South Asian community centered on terraced houses with a high number of occupants, public health officials said.

Professor Harrison, director of public health in Blackburn with Council Darwen, has warned that cases will continue to rise.

He said, “We should be concerned that the numbers have gone up, but I expected it entirely and I expect it to go up again this week.”

The professor. Harrison warned that a local blockade could be imposed if things were not changed, but added: “We would only use those powers as a last resort.

“We had good cooperation, so I would be very reluctant to use the powers.”

Over the weekend it was revealed that the contact tracers had only reached about half of Covid-19’s contacts in Zone.

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Sam Ali urged locals “to realize that the pandemic is still here”

Sam Ali, of the Switch Community Community Organization in town, said: “We have all been impressed.

“Anyone across the country wouldn’t want to be on the radar to get into another block, but it’s important to realize that the pandemic is still here.

“We have to wear the appropriate masks, we have to wash our hands, we have to stay away.

“Blackburn is a fantastic city. From this we will become stronger.”

Steve Hartley, 52, who lives in Darwen, said: “You see more people in the masks, but many people are not socially spaced or worn.

“It’s shocking, but some people still aren’t taking it seriously despite everything that’s going on.

“Now many stores have window signs that tell people they can’t go in without a mask.”

Why not follow BBC North West on Facebook, chirping is Instagram? You can also send story ideas to

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Chinese tensions rise and “200,000 deaths per blockade”

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“The blockade could cause 200,000 extra deaths” is the main story on the front page of The Daily Telegraph. The document says government experts predict that delays in treatment in the first six months of the arrest could kill up to 25,000 people and an additional 185,000 medium to long-term deaths, equivalent to nearly one million years of life lost. The number of suicides could increase by 500 in the first wave and between 600 and 12,000 more suicides each year from the recession, according to the newspaper.

The front page of the Daily Mail on July 20

Caption of the image

Also focusing on the effects of the blockade, the Daily Mail says that coronavirus delays have affected a number of sectors, leading to “British arrears”. “Lives are waiting” due to delays at official agencies, from holiday passport applications to birth registration and renewal of driving licenses, reports the document. The new wedding photos of Princess Beatrice also appear featured on the front page of the Daily Mail, as well as numerous other articles.

The Guardian's front page on July 20

Caption of the image

Meanwhile, the Guardian says senior doctors are urging the public to help prevent a “devastating” second wave of coronavirus amid “mixed government messages” about face masks and the return to work. A second wave, coinciding with seasonal flu and the impact of a backlog of cures for other diseases, such as cancer, could overwhelm the NHS, experts warn.

The front page of the Daily Mirror on July 20

Caption of the image

NHS staff worked up to 11 unpaid extra hours a week before the coronavirus struck, reports the Daily Mirror, adding that there are concerns about the worsening of the situation as the pandemic continues. Sara Gorton, head of health at Unison, the UK’s largest union, said: “Nobody should work for free, especially those in the Covid frontline.”

Metro front page 20 July

Caption of the image

Striking a more optimistic tone, Metro reports that part-time rail commuters will be offered flexible season tickets, while companies prepare workers to return to the office from August 1. The Great Western Railway will introduce a “three day out of seven” season ticket on trains in the capital, the newspaper said, with “dynamic discounts” promised on Merseyrail and Greater Anglia services. The Department of Transportation reportedly encouraged other operators to submit similar offers.

The first page of July 20th

Caption of the image

Several articles focus on the growing tensions between the UK and China, with which reports that relations have reached a “new low”. The document cites foreign secretary Dominic Raab who accuses Beijing of committing “gross” violations of human rights against the Uyghur ethnic minority, as the Chinese ambassador denies the existence of concentration camps after footage has emerged showing the blindfolded prisoners. Rahab said: “It cannot be business as usual after the pandemic.”

The front page of the Times on July 20

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Still focusing on escalating tensions between London and Beijing, the Times reports that Britain will shelve its extradition treaty with Hong Kong later on. Rahab will tell the House of Commons that in response to the imposition of China’s security law on the former British colony, the United Kingdom will suspend its extradition agreement with Beijing. The United States is considering a similar move, the newspaper adds, and US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo will fly to London later, before talks with the foreign secretary and PM this week.

The front page of the Financial Times on July 20

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Meanwhile, the Financial Times reports that the accounting firm EY has warned the payment company Wirecard that a draft of an independent audit report by KPMG lacked “context” and could lead to inaccurate conclusions. And EU leaders are still involved in “summit marathon talks” on the proposed response to the € 750 billion pandemic in Europe.

The front page of the Daily Express on July 20

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In other news, house prices have gone back to a “record” is the advantage of the Daily Express. Citing real estate experts, the document states that the typical asking price for a three-bedroom semi-detached house increased by £ 7,640 from the week before the blockade in March, to £ 320,265.

The Daily Star front page on July 20

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And by mixing sporting metaphors, the main title of the Daily Star is: “They think it’s all over,” as the newspaper claims that the English cricket team may soon face stiff competition from Germany.

The coverage of the UK’s increasingly tense relations with China is prominent in many of the front pages.

“Chinese tensions increase when the extradition treaty is shelved” says The Times, as he looks forward to the announcement expected by Dominic Raab later.

A temporary suspension rather than a permanent end to the treaty it’s on the cards, according to Whitehall sources cited in the Daily Telegraph.

They say it leaves a “final lever to pull” if China continues to violate international commitments.

The paper He says that what he calls “smudges” exchanged on Sunday – by the foreign secretary and the Chinese ambassador in London for alleged human rights violations in China – represents “a new low” in relations.

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Foreign Minister Dominic Raab is expected to announce that the UK will suspend its extradition agreement with Hong Kong over Beijing’s tough new security law in the former British colony

“SSN heroes forced to work for free” is the title of The Daily Mirror.

He says a survey shows that staff were already doing an average of 11 extra hours of unpaid work each week before the coronavirus pandemic hit.

The document blames the “scandal” of hospital cuts and, in his boss, insists that Boris Johnson should fill vacancies and pay SSN staff what they are worth rather than applauding. The NHS, he says, must become a healthy employer.

Online, The Independent claims that the National Health Service is intended to pay £ 37 million for deficiencies in maternity services in one case at the Guys and St Thomas’s NHS Trust in London.

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“No recovery until the summer of next year” is the opinion of many of the largest British companies, as reported in the Times.

It bases the headline on a survey of financial executives conducted by Deloitte.

The survey found that nearly half believe that demand for goods and services will not return to pre-block levels until next July, while only 8% expected sales to return to normal by the end of the year.

The document states that it is the latest sign that a V-shaped economic recovery is unlikely.

“Backlog Britain” is the title on the front page of The Daily Mail as it reports that delays created by the block in the treatment of passports, birth registration and license renewal are “paralyzing” the country.

The document states that the births of over 150,000 children may not be officially registered, while thousands of older motorists have been left at home by chaos at the driver and vehicle licensing agency.

And Metro’s main story is that, in an attempt to induce home workers to return to the office, they will offer some rail operators “flexible subscriptions” from next month.

For example, they could allow commuters to buy a three-day ticket out of seven to encourage a part-time return to work.

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Local blockade in Blackburn “one last resort”

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Most of the new cases of Blackburn are found in the South Asian community

A local blockade in Blackburn with Darwen is “the last resort” to cope with the increase in the area in coronavirus cases, said his head of public health.

The Lancashire district is overtaking Leicester as a coronavirus hotspot in England, according to official data.

It recorded the highest infection rate, with 79.2 cases per 100,000 people, in the week until July 17, said Public Health England.

The professor. Dominic Harrison said he would be “reluctant” to impose a local blockade.

The number of cases in the district nearly doubled to 118 in the past week, up from 63 in the previous week.

The latest figures are subject to daily review, but reflect the position on Sunday evening.

New measures to curb the spread of Covid-19 in Blackburn with Darwen they have already been introduced after a peak.

They include stricter limits for visitors from another family and officials have urged people to hit their elbows instead of handshakes and hugs.

New cases in Leicester, where there is a local block, dropped to a rate of 77.7, with 276 new infections, compared to 429 the previous week.


By Daniel Wainwright, BBC England Data Unit

Data on new coronavirus cases are published every afternoon, which means that new results for the previous days are added at all times.

So far, looking at the week until Friday, Blackburn with Darwen has recorded double the number of cases he has had in the previous week, while the cases in Leicester – which is in a localized block – seem to be falling.

On Wednesday, both areas reported 35 new cases. However, with Leicester having a population more than double Blackburn with Darwen, this has given the Lancashire district a higher rate of new cases per 100,000 residents.

If Blackburn with Darwen takes the top position from Leicester it should become clearer over the next two days.

Most of the new cases in the Blackburn area were among the South Asian community centered on terraced houses with a high number of occupants, public health officials said.

Professor Harrison, director of public health in Blackburn with Council Darwen, has warned that cases will continue to rise.

He said, “We should be concerned that the numbers have gone up, but I expected it entirely and I expect it to go up again this week.”

The professor. Harrison warned that a local blockade could be imposed if things were not changed, but added: “We would only use those powers as a last resort.

“We had good cooperation, so I would be very reluctant to use the powers.”

Over the weekend it was revealed that the contact tracers had only reached about half of Covid-19’s contacts in Zone.

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Sam Ali urged locals “to realize that the pandemic is still here”

Sam Ali, of the Switch Community Community Organization in town, said: “We have all been impressed.

“Anyone across the country wouldn’t want to be on the radar to get into another block, but it’s important to realize that the pandemic is still here.

“We have to wear the appropriate masks, we have to wash our hands, we have to stay away.

“Blackburn is a fantastic city. From this we will become stronger.”

Steve Hartley, 52, who lives in Darwen, said: “You see more people in the masks, but many people are not socially spaced or worn.

“It’s shocking, but some people still aren’t taking it seriously despite everything that’s going on.

“Now many stores have window signs that tell people they can’t go in without a mask.”

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Local blockade in Blackburn “one last resort”

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Most of the new cases of Blackburn are found in the South Asian community

A local blockade in Blackburn with Darwen is “the last resort” to cope with the increase in the area in coronavirus cases, said his head of public health.

The Lancashire district is overtaking Leicester as a coronavirus hotspot in England, according to official data.

It recorded the highest infection rate, with 79.2 cases per 100,000 people, in the week until July 17, said Public Health England.

The professor. Dominic Harrison said he would be “reluctant” to impose a local blockade.

The number of cases in the district nearly doubled to 118 in the past week, up from 63 in the previous week.

The latest figures are subject to daily review, but reflect the position on Sunday evening.

New measures to curb the spread of Covid-19 in Blackburn with Darwen they have already been introduced after a peak.

They include stricter limits for visitors from another family and officials have urged people to hit their elbows instead of handshakes and hugs.

New cases in Leicester, where there is a local block, dropped to a rate of 77.7, with 276 new infections, compared to 429 the previous week.


By Daniel Wainwright, BBC England Data Unit

Data on new coronavirus cases are published every afternoon, which means that new results for the previous days are added at all times.

So far, looking at the week until Friday, Blackburn with Darwen has recorded double the number of cases he has had in the previous week, while the cases in Leicester – which is in a localized block – seem to be falling.

On Wednesday, both areas reported 35 new cases. However, with Leicester having a population more than double Blackburn with Darwen, this has given the Lancashire district a higher rate of new cases per 100,000 residents.

If Blackburn with Darwen takes the top position from Leicester it should become clearer over the next two days.

Most of the new cases in the Blackburn area were among the South Asian community centered on terraced houses with a high number of occupants, public health officials said.

Professor Harrison, director of public health in Blackburn with Council Darwen, has warned that cases will continue to rise.

He said, “We should be concerned that the numbers have gone up, but I expected it entirely and I expect it to go up again this week.”

The professor. Harrison warned that a local blockade could be imposed if things were not changed, but added: “We would only use those powers as a last resort.

“We had good cooperation, so I would be very reluctant to use the powers.”

Over the weekend it was revealed that the contact tracers had only reached about half of Covid-19’s contacts in Zone.

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Sam Ali urged locals “to realize that the pandemic is still here”

Sam Ali, of the Switch Community Community Organization in town, said: “We have all been impressed.

“Anyone across the country wouldn’t want to be on the radar to get into another block, but it’s important to realize that the pandemic is still here.

“We have to wear the appropriate masks, we have to wash our hands, we have to stay away.

“Blackburn is a fantastic city. From this we will become stronger.”

Steve Hartley, 52, who lives in Darwen, said: “You see more people in the masks, but many people are not socially spaced or worn.

“It’s shocking, but some people still aren’t taking it seriously despite everything that’s going on.

“Now many stores have window signs that tell people they can’t go in without a mask.”

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